How Can I Trust A Virtual Assistant?


You’re overworked and out of time. There’s 1001 things on your to-do list. You’re lost in a sea of admin and inevitably things are starting to slip through the net. When you’re overloaded with tasks your productivity and creativity quickly become stifled and you wind up missing opportunities to do more and be more. After all, where is the time you need to drive your business forward when you’re stuck trudging through a litany of lower leverage tasks? If you want to take your business to the next level the key is to delegate those tasks that have been holding you back. You may have thought about it before but figured you’d need to go down the traditional route – going via a recruitment agency and hiring an in-house PA … But there is another way. Working with a Virtual Assistant (VA) gives you complete flexibility, as VA’s are typically pay-as-you-go whereas an office-based PA can prove a long- term and expensive commitment. Virtual Assistant’s work as and when they are needed; they are paid by the hour, and only for the work they complete. Flexible packages are offered to suit you and your business: you select the hours you need based on your individual requirements, for example a package of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 hours per month – it’s up to you.

Entrepreneur Virtual Assistant

Tip: Here’s a great way to stay ahead of the game and organise all your notes in one place. Evernote is a lifesaver of an app for those of us needing to take down notes – be it at impromptu meetings, networking, or recording your ideas from on-the-go bursts of inspiration. All your notes are filed in one app and you can easily locate them via a keyword search. There’s no need to be trudging through notebooks and trying to
decipher your scrawled handwriting ever again!


Are you still not entirely sure about this whole virtual thing and you’re wondering how you’d go about building trust with your VA? A good place to start before you make the decision to hire is to check out your Virtual Assistant online – for example, take the time to read testimonials and LinkedIn recommendations for reassurance. Secondly, make sure that you have your VA sign an NDA for added peace of mind – a good Virtual Assistant will insist on this as part of your on boarding process. You could also consider keeping sensitive information to one side until you’ve built rapport with your VA and you feel comfortable handing over more delicate tasks. When giving your Virtual Assistant access to your online accounts, consider using a password protection service such as LastPass. LastPass stores encrypted passwords and is very user-friendly and elegant in its simplicity. Services like this provide an excellent and extremely secure way of giving your Virtual Assistant access to your accounts.

Your Virtual Assistant is here to support you in whatever way they can. You can set the pace, set the tasks and build your working relationship just as you would with an in-house PA. In fact, in no time at all your Virtual Assistant will feel so much part of the team that you’ll actually forget they’re virtual at all!

What could you achieve if you spent more time on core business activities and less time on administrative tasks? What could it mean for your business? What could it mean for your life?

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My name is Selina Johnson and I'm an elite Virtual Assistant providing Virtual Business Support to Executives. We help SME's with administrative, technical and creative support so you are free to grow your business and increase your profits.

Contact us today to discuss how we can add value to your business.

01234 602596


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