Why Successful Entrepreneurs Delegate


You have far too much on your to-do list, your day-to-day is overloaded with tasks, you’re always racing towards deadlines and inevitably things are starting to fall through the cracks. Your solution is to work longer hours, though even if you stopped sleeping there are simply not enough hours in the day and night for you to be able to do everything that is required to drive your business forward.

It can feel hard to make the decision to let go and delegate. After all, you’ve built your business so far solely through your own hard work, passion and determination… You’ve put in some serious hours. However, is working around the clock really sustainable in the long term? Rather than boosting your productivity, working longer hours often proves to have detrimental
effects – decreasing your efficiency and possibly leading to burnout – and fast.




Tip: With the help of excellent project management tools such as Trello it’s easier and more effective than ever to work together virtually. Trello works by organising your projects into boards, where you can collaborate with colleagues in real time. You can easily see in one
glance: what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in the process. You can also assign work, comment on others’ work, and a whole range of other actions.



If you’re making a business plan for the coming months, think about the growth you hope to achieve and then ask yourself if you’ll be able to manage all of that growth on your own. If your plan is to take your business to the next level, the key is to find the right person to go on this journey with you. A skilled and experienced Virtual Assistant can help to dig you out from under that pile of lower leverage tasks that have been holding you back.

So how do you go about knowing what to delegate? A very good starting point is to have a think about your general day-to-day and ask yourself which tasks have become repetitive and time consuming? Which tasks are draining your energy and diverting your attention away from working strategically or thinking creatively? Are you still managing your own diary? Booking travel? Managing your social media channels?

We all have those tasks that we dread doing, so whatever your personal bugbears are – be it processing your expenses, wading through 1001 emails in order to prioritise your inbox, data entry, or managing your CRM – why not let your Virtual Assistant take the reins on those? It will free up your time to work on higher payoff tasks – the tasks that grow your business. What could you achieve with all your newly regained time?


People who actively look for things to delegate report higher levels of

productivity, happiness and energy, and are less likely to feel

“overworked and overwhelmed”. Forbes


Download your FREE guide below and start to reclaim your time today!

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My name is Selina Johnson and I'm an elite Virtual Assistant providing Virtual Business Support to Executives. We help SME's with administrative, technical and creative support so you are free to grow your business and increase your profits.

Contact us today to discuss how we can add value to your business.

01234 602596


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